Sacred Boardroom Podcast: conversations with women who blend spirituality and strategy to do business differently
Imagine this. It's Christmas, 2017. My youngest was just born, and the only gift I could think to ask for from my husband was a microphone and a book on starting a podcast. I always had something to say, I just didn't know how to say it yet. Fast forward 8 years later, and I FINALLY am ready to use my voice. We will talk with women who incorporate their spiritual practices with their business strategy to create a different way of doing things. Around here, spirituality means whatever way you connect with the sense of something greater than yourself. Whether it is rooted in more traditional religious practices, connecting with nature, serving your community, or transcending your current reality, it's that intersection between you and that KNOWING that there is something other, and that we are all connected.
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- Jane Awesome, Acme Co.